
Here are the views as well, which are pre-created via CommandBox handler creation command.



<cfif flash.exists( "notice" )>
    <div class="alert alert-info">#flash.get( "notice" )#</div>
<cfif flash.exists( "errors" )>
    <div class="alert alert-danger">#flash.get( "errors" ).toString()#</div>

#html.href(href='contacts.editor',text="Create Contact")#
<cfloop array="#prc.contacts#" index="contact">
    #contact.getLastName()#, #contact.getFirstName()# (#contact.getEmail()#)<br/>
    #html.href(href='',text="[ Edit ]")#
    #html.href(href='',text="[ Delete ]",onclick="return confirm('Really Delete?')")#


Check out our awesome html helper object. It can even build the entire forms according to the Active Entity object and bind the values for you!

<h1>Contact Editor</h1>

<cfif flash.exists( "notice" )>
    <div class="alert alert-info">#flash.get( "notice" )#</div>
<cfif flash.exists( "errors" )>
    <div class="alert alert-danger">#flash.get( "errors" ).toString()#</div>

    #html.submitButton()# or #html.href(href="contacts",text="Cancel")#

Last updated

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