Test Harness

Every ColdBox application template comes with a nice test harness inside of a tests folder.



A unique application file for your test harness. It should mimic exactly the one in your root application folder


Some basic testing resources or any of your own testing resources


The HTML runner for your test bundles


Where you will write your testing bundle specs for integration, unit, and module testing, try to use the convention of {name}Spec.cfc or {name}Test.cfc


A TestBox ANT runner


The Application.cfc for your tests is extremely important as it should mimic your applications real Application.cfc.

 * Copyright 2005-2007 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corp
 * www.ortussolutions.com
 * ---
component {

	this.name                 = "ColdBoxTestingSuite";
	this.sessionManagement    = true;
	this.setClientCookies     = true;
	this.sessionTimeout       = createTimespan( 0, 0, 15, 0 );
	this.applicationTimeout   = createTimespan( 0, 0, 15, 0 );
	this.whiteSpaceManagement = "smart";
	this.enableNullSupport    = shouldEnableFullNullSupport();

	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Location Mappings
	 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * - cbApp : Quick reference to root application
	 * - coldbox : Where ColdBox library is installed
	 * - testbox : Where TestBox is installed
	// Create testing mapping
	this.mappings[ "/tests" ]   = getDirectoryFromPath( getCurrentTemplatePath() );
	// The root application mapping
	rootPath                    = reReplaceNoCase( this.mappings[ "/tests" ], "tests(\\|/)", "" );
	this.mappings[ "/root" ]    = this.mappings[ "/cbapp" ] = rootPath;
	this.mappings[ "/coldbox" ] = rootPath & "coldbox";
	this.mappings[ "/testbox" ] = rootPath & "testbox";

	 * Fires on every test request. It builds a Virtual ColdBox application for you
	 * @targetPage The requested page
	public boolean function onRequestStart( targetPage ){
		// Set a high timeout for long running tests
		setting requestTimeout   ="9999";
		// New ColdBox Virtual Application Starter
		request.coldBoxVirtualApp= new coldbox.system.testing.VirtualApp( appMapping = "/root" );

		// If hitting the runner or specs, prep our virtual app
		if ( getBaseTemplatePath().replace( expandPath( "/tests" ), "" ).reFindNoCase( "(runner|specs)" ) ) {

		// Reload for fresh results
		if ( structKeyExists( url, "fwreinit" ) ) {
			if ( structKeyExists( server, "lucee" ) ) {
			// ormReload();

		return true;

	 * Fires when the testing requests end and the ColdBox application is shutdown
	public void function onRequestEnd( required targetPage ){

	private boolean function shouldEnableFullNullSupport(){
		var system = createObject( "java", "java.lang.System" );
		var value  = system.getEnv( "FULL_NULL" );
		return isNull( value ) ? false : !!value;


Please note that we provide already a mapping to your root application via /root and a mapping to the tests themselves via /tests . We recommend you add any ORM specs or any other mappings here.

Tip: Make sure all the same settings and configs from your root Application.cfc are replicated in your tests Application.cfc

Last updated