Post Advices

With this interceptor you can intercept local event actions and execute things after the requested action executes. You can do it globally by using the postHandler() method or targeted to a specific action post{actionName}().

// executes after any action
function postHandler( event, rc, prc, action, eventArguments ){

// executes after the list() action ONLY
function postList( event, rc, prc, eventArguments ){

// concrete examples
function postHandler( event, rc, prc, action, eventArguments ){"Finalized executing #action#");

The arguments received by these interceptors are:

  • event : The request context reference

  • action : The action name that was intercepted by postHandler()

  • eventArguments : The struct of extra arguments sent to an action if executed via runEvent()

  • rc : The RC reference

  • prc : The PRC Reference

Exceptions & Only Lists

You can fine tune these interception methods by leveraging two public properties in the handler:

  • this.posthandler_only : A list of actions that the postHandler() action will fire ONLY!

  • this.posthandler_except : A list of actions that the postHandler() action will NOT fire on

// only fire for the actions: save(), delete()
this.posthandler_only = "save,delete";
// DO NOT fire for the actions: login(), doLogin(), logout()
this.posthandler_except = "login,doLogin,logout"

Last updated