Application Templates

The best way to get started with ColdBox

The best way to get started with ColdBox is with our application templates that you can find here: coldbox-templates. We have a curated collection of starter templates to get you kicking the tires quickly. You will do so via the coldbox create app command in the CLI:

coldbox create app help

Here is a listing of the latest supported templates:

CommandBox Integration

The coldbox create app command has integration to our application templates via the skeleton argument. This can be the name of each of the templates in our repositories or you can use the following alternatives:

  • A name of a ForgeBox entry: cbtemplate-advanced-script,cbtemplate-simple

  • A Github shortcut: github-username/repo

  • An HTTP/S URL to a zip file containing a template:

  • A folder containing a template: /opt/shared/templates/my-template

  • A zip file containing the template: /opt/shared/templates/

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