What's New With 6.3.0

ColdBox 6.3.0 is a minor release that squashes lots of bugs and does tons of improvements for performance!


  • [COLDBOX-890] - Renderer methods assume the module exists and throws exception when sending invalid url data

  • [COLDBOX-914] - Can no longer have duplicate routes with different conditions

  • [COLDBOX-935] - Colon (:) in URL Path Causes Exception Error

  • [COLDBOX-964] - invalidEventHandler does not work when calling invalid action on valid handler

  • [COLDBOX-967] - autowire annotation for test cases is not working as it should

  • [COLDBOX-968] - Fix declaring multiple resources at once

  • [COLDBOX-978] - AsyncManager threads don't release DB connections to pool for Adobe CF

New Feature

  • [COLDBOX-973] - Add new exception type catch for the RestHandler: `PermissionDenied` to trap in valid authorizations


  • [COLDBOX-965] - Content type http header bypasses requestContext with render data - set explicit http header via request context

  • [COLDBOX-971] - Implement caching strategy for application helper lookups into the `template` cache

  • [COLDBOX-972] - Coldbox DataMarshaller Throws Error with Lucee-Light Engine

  • [COLDBOX-974] - Have the html helper manifests in local memory instead of the template cache to avoid cleanup issues

  • [COLDBOX-975] - Remove unecessary locks for view path setups in the renderer

  • [COLDBOX-976] - Remove unecessary lock in the bootstrap to get the controller reference, it's already there for the reload checks

  • [COLDBOX-979] - Module service now profiles registration and activation into the logs with the version and path of a module

Last updated