HTTP Method Security

More often you will find that certain web operations need to be restricted in terms of what HTTP verb is used to access a resource. For example, you do not want form submissions to be done via GET but via POST or PUT operations. HTTP Verb recognition is also essential when building strong RESTFul APIs when security is needed as well.

Manual Solution

You can do this manually, but why do the extra coding :)

function delete(event,rc,prc){
    // determine incoming http method
    if( event.getHTTPMethod() == "GET" ){
        flash.put("notice","invalid action");
        // do delete here.

This solution is great and works, but it is not THAT great. We can do better.

Allowed Methods Property

Another feature property on an event handler is called this.allowedMethods. It is a declarative structure that you can use to determine what the allowed HTTP methods are for any action on the event handler.

this.allowedMethods = {
    actionName : "List of approved HTTP Verbs"

If the request action HTTP method is not found in the approved list, it will look for a onInvalidHTTPMethod() on the handler and call it if found. Otherwise ColdBox throws a 405 exception that is uniform across requests.


    this.allowedMethods = {
        delete : "POST,DELETE",
        list   : "GET"

    function list(event,rc,prc){
        // list only

    function delete(event,rc,prc){
        // do delete here.

Allowed Methods Annotation

You can tag your event actions with a allowedMethods annotation and add a list of the allowed HTTP verbs as well. This gives you a nice directed ability right at the function level instead of a property. It is also useful when leveraging DocBox documentation as it will show up in the API Docs that are generated.

function index( event, rc, prc) allowedMethods="GET,POST"{
    // my code here

Last updated

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