Request Context
It contains the incoming FORM/REMOTE/URL variables the client sent in and the object lives in the ColdFusion request
scope and you will use to for responses and interacting with client data.
This object contains two structures internally:
- The Request Collection which contains the FORM/REMOTE/URL data merged into a single structure. This is considered to be unsafe data as it comes from any request.PRC
- The Private Request Collection which is a structure that can be used to safely store sensitive data. This structure cannot be modified from the outside world.
The order of preference of variables when merged is FORM first then REMOTE then URL.
You will use these objects in the controller and view layer of your application to get/set values, get metadata about the request, generate URLs, transform data for RESTful requests, and so much more. It is the glue that binds the controller and view layer together. As we progress in the guides, you will progress in mastering the request context.
Note that there is no model layer in the diagram. This is by design; the model will receive data from the handlers/interceptors directly.
Most Commonly Used Methods
Below you can see a listing of the most commonly used methods in the request context object. Please note that when interacting with a collection you usually have an equal private collection method.
buildLink() : Build a link in SES or non SES mode for you with tons of nice abstractions.
clearCollection() : Clears the entire collection
collectionAppend() : Append a collection overwriting or not
getCollection() : Get a reference to the collection
getEventName() : The event name in use in the application (e.g. do, event, fa)
getSelf() : Returns index.cfm?event=
getValue() : get a value
getTrimValue() : get a value trimmed
isProxyRequest() : flag if the request is an incoming proxy request
isSES() : flag if ses is turned on
isAjax() : Is this request ajax based or not
noRender(boolean) : flag that tells the framework to not render any html, just process and silently stop.
overrideEvent() : Override the event in the collection
paramValue(): param a value in the collection
removeValue() : remove a value
setValue() : set a value
setLayout() : Set the layout to use for this request
setView() : Used to set a view to render
valueExists() : Checks if a value exists in the collection.
renderData() : Marshall data to JSON, JSONP, XML, WDDX, PDF, HTML, etc.
Some Samples:
Request Metadata Methods
: Get the current execution action (method)getCurrentEvent()
: Get the current incoming event, full syntax.getCurrentHandler()
: Get the handler or handler/package path.getCurrentLayout()
: Get the current set layout for the view to render.getCurrentView()
: Get the current set viewgetCurrentModule()
: The name of the current executing modulegetCurrentRoutedNamespace()
: The current routed URL mapping namespace if found.getCurrentRouteRecord()
: Get the current routed record used in resolving the eventgetCurrentRouteMeta()
: Get the current routed record metdata structgetCurrentRoutedURL()
: The current routed URL if matched.getDefaultLayout()
: Get the name of the default layout.getDefaultView()
: Get the name of the default view.
Last updated