
Discover the major conventions of the ColdBox framework

The core conventions delineate the contract between ColdBox and you for file/directory locations and more. Below is a table of the core conventions:

Directory/File Conventions

  • config/Coldbox.cfc - Your application configuration object (optional )

  • config/Router.cfc - Your application URL Router (optional )

  • config/CacheBox.cfc - Your application CacheBox configuration (optional )

  • config/WireBox.cfc - Your application WireBox Configuration (optional )

  • handlers - This holds the app's event handlers (controller layer)

  • layouts - Your HTML layouts (view layer)

  • models - This holds your app's CFCs (model layer)

  • modules - This holds the CommandBox tracked modules

  • modules_app - This holds your app's modules

  • tests - Your test harness including unit and integration testing

  • views - Your HTML views will go here (view layer)

Execution Conventions

ColdBox also has several execution conventions. This means that we have a convention or a default for the event, action and layout to be used if you do not tell it what to use:


Default Value


Default Event


The default event to execute when no event is specified

Default Action


The default action to execute in an event handler controller if none is specified

Default Layout


The default system layout to use

Last updated

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