Apart from executing events from the URL/FORM or Remote interfaces, you can also execute events internally, either public or private from within your event handlers or from interceptors, other handlers, layouts or views.
You do this by using the runEvent() method which is inherited from our FrameworkSuperType class. Here is the method signature:
/*** Executes events with full life-cycle methods and returns the event results if any were returned.* @eventThe event string to execute, if nothing is passed we will execute the application's default event.* @prePostExempt If true, pre/post handlers will not be fired. Defaults to false* @private Execute a private event if set, else defaults to public events* @defaultEvent The flag that let's this service now if it is the default event running or not. USED BY THE FRAMEWORK ONLY
* @eventArguments A collection of arguments to passthrough to the calling event handler method* @cache Cached the output of the runnable execution, defaults to false. A unique key will be created according to event string + arguments.
* @cacheTimeout The time in minutes to cache the results* @cacheLastAccessTimeout The time in minutes the results will be removed from cache if idle or requested* @cacheSuffix The suffix to add into the cache entry for this event rendering* @cacheProvider The provider to cache this event rendering in, defaults to 'template'*/functionrunEvent( event="", boolean prePostExempt=false, boolean private=false, boolean defaultEvent=false, struct eventArguments={}, boolean cache=false, cacheTimeout="", cacheLastAccessTimeout="", cacheSuffix="", cacheProvider="template")
The interesting aspect of internal executions is that all the same rules apply, so your handlers can return content like widgets, views, or even data. Also, the eventArguments enables you to pass arguments to the method just like method calls:
//public eventrunEvent( 'users.save' );//post exemptrunEvent( event='users.save', prePostExempt=true );//Private eventrunEvent( event='users.persist', private=true );// Run event as a widget<cfoutput>#runEvent( event = 'widgets.userInfo', prePostExempt = true, eventArguments= { widget=true })#</cfoutput>// Run with CachingrunEvent( event="users.list", cache=true, cacheTimeout=30 );
// handler responding to widget callfunctionuserInfo( event, rc, prc, widget=false ){prc.userInfo =userService.get( rc.id );// set or widget renderif( arguments.widget ){returnrenderView( "widgets/userInfo" ); }// else set viewevent.setView( "widgets/userInfo" );}
As you can see from the function signature you can tell ColdBox to cache the result of the event call. All of the cached content will go into the template cache by default unless you use the cacheProvider argument. The cache keys are also based on the name of the event and the signature of the eventArguments structure. Meaning, the framework can cache multiple permutations of the same event call as long as the eventArguments are different.
runEvent( event="users.widget", eventArguments={ max=10, page=1 }, cache=true );// Cached as a new keyrunEvent( event="users.widget", eventArguments={ max=10, page=2 }, cache=true );
Tip: You can disable event caching by using the coldbox.eventCaching directive in your config/ColdBox.cfc