Interceptor Asynchronicity

In honor of one of my favorite bands and album, The Police - Synchronicity, we have some asynchronous capabilities in ColdBox Interceptors. These features are thanks to the sponsorship of Guardly, Inc, Alert, Connect, Stay Safe. So please make sure to check them out and thank them for sponsoring this great feature set. The core interceptor service and announcement methods have some arguments that can turn asynchronicity on or off and can return a structure of threading data.

any announceInterception(state, interceptData, async, asyncAll, asyncAllJoin, asyncJoinTimeout, asyncPriority);

The asynchronous arguments are listed in the table below:

All asynchronous calls will return a structure of thread information back to you when using the announceInterception() method or directly in the interceptor service, the processState() method. The structure contains information about all the threads that where created during the call and their respective information like: status, data, errors, monitoring, etc.

threadData = announceInterception(
    state           = "onLogin", 
    interceptData   = { user=user }, 
    asyncAll        = true

Now that you have seen all asynchronous arguments and their features, let's investigate each use case one by one.

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