The super type offers 2 methods for interacting with your model layer:
getInstance() - Retrieve a model object (Instead of injection)
populateModel() - Retrieve and/or populate a model object from the request collection.
Here is the signature
/*** Get a model object* @name.hint The mapping name or CFC path to retrieve* @dsl.hint The DSL string to use to retrieve an instance* @initArguments.hint The constructor structure of arguments to passthrough when initializing the instance* @targetObject.hint The object requesting the dependency, usually only used by DSL lookups*/functiongetInstance( name, dsl, initArguments={}, targetObject="" ){}
// Retrieve the User.cfc in the model foldervar oUser =getInstance('User');// Retrieve the User.cfc in the model/users foldervar oUser =getInstance("users.User")// Retrieve the User using an alias you mapped in your configuration bindervar oUser =getInstance("MyUser");// Retrieve an object using a full instantation pathvar oUtil =getInstance("mypath.utilities.MyUtil");
ColdBox can populate or bind model objects from data in the request collection by matching the name of the form element to the name of a property on the object. You can also populate model objects from JSON, XML, Queries and other structures a-la-carte by talking directly to WireBox's object populator.
/*** Populate a model object from the request Collection or a passed in memento structure* @model.hint The name of the model to get and populate or the acutal model object. If you already have an instance of a model, then use the populateBean() method* @scope.hint Use scope injection instead of setters population. Ex: scope=variables.instance.* @trustedSetter.hint If set to true, the setter method will be called even if it does not exist in the object* @include.hint A list of keys to include in the population* @exclude.hint A list of keys to exclude in the population* @ignoreEmpty.hint Ignore empty values on populations, great for ORM population* @nullEmptyInclude.hint A list of keys to NULL when empty* @nullEmptyExclude.hint A list of keys to NOT NULL when empty* @composeRelationships.hint Automatically attempt to compose relationships from memento* @memento A structure to populate the model, if not passed it defaults to the request collection* @jsonstring If you pass a json string, we will populate your model with it* @xml If you pass an xml string, we will populate your model with it* @qry If you pass a query, we will populate your model with it* @rowNumber The row of the qry parameter to populate your model with*/functionpopulateModel()
var user =ormService.populate("User"), data );// populate with includes onlyvar user =ormService.populate("User"), data,"fname,lname,email" );//populate with excludesvar user =ormService.populate("User"),memento=data,exclude="id,setup,total" );// populate with null values when value is empty stringvar user =ormService.populate("User"),memento=data,nullEmptyInclude="lastName,dateOfBirth" );// populate many-to-one relationshipvar data = { firstName ="Luis", role =1// "role" is the name of the many-to-one relational property, and one is the key value};var user =ormService.populate("User"), memento=data, composeRelationships=true );// the role relationship will be composed, and the value will be set to the appropriate instance of the Role model// populate one-to-many relationshipvar data = { firstName ="Luis", favColors ="1,2,3" ( or [1,2,3] ) // favColors is the name of the one-to-many relational property, and 1, 2 and 3 are key values of favColor models};var user =ormService.populate("User"), memento=data, composeRelationships=true );// the favColors property will be set to an array of favColor entities// only compose some relationshipsvar data = { firstName ="Luis", role =1, favColors = [ 1,3,19 ]};var user =ormService.populate("User"), memento=data, composeRelationships=true, exclude="favColors" );// in this example, "role" will be composed, but "favColors" will be excluded